I can honestly say that I can see things changing. The tooth that sits on top of my front tooth has moved back a bit and my two front teeth are slowly moving to be side by side! This is really exciting to be able to notice a difference! I have to go back to the orthodontist when I finish tray 8 on March 24th. She said that she will be "slenderizing" (tooth shaving in other words) some of the teeth. I can see why this needs to be done with a crowded mouth. I'm not sure what it's going to feel like, but I can't imagine that it's pleasant. She will either be using something that is like floss that files the tooth down or a drill. It depends on how things look when I get there.
So here's a side by side from the original snapshot to one that I just took this morning. It's not a huge difference, but it's good to see some change!